Lab News
Spring 2025
Cristina Sarmiento, graduate student in our lab, received a small grant from the Sheldon Zedeck program for Culture, Behavior and Management study at UC Berkeley to support her project on how infants learn from different social groups.
Alyson Wong, graduate student in our lab, received a small grant from the Institute of Cognitive and Brain Sciences (ICBS) to study whether large language models (LLMs) understand implicit theory of mind (in collaboration with Fei and Prof. Bill Thompson).​
Fall 2024
For the 2024-2025 year, Fei will be a Miller Professor at the Miller Institute for Basic Research in Science, UC Berkeley.
Anna Wenqing Cao, who graduated from Berkeley in Psychology and Data Science in May, started as a Research Assistant and our new Lab manager.
Cristina Sarmiento started as a new graduate student in our lab, with a Berkeley First-year Graduate Fellowship.
Three honors thesis students: Ellen Tong, Sophia Sun, and Christina Nguyen began their thesis projects in the lab.​​​
PIs Steve Piantadosi and Fei Xu received an NSF grant to study mathematical cognition and probabilistic reasoning in the U.S. and Bolivia.
Summer 2024
Profs. Silvia Bunge, Keanan Joyner, and Fei received grant funding for research using fNIRS.
Our lab manager and a visiting scholar, Tina Min Tang, will start in a MA program in education at Harvard University at the end of the summer.
Lena (Elena) Luchkina, a postdoc research associate, will start as a research scientist in the Department of Psychology at Harvard University at the end of the summer.
Nick Chang, an undergraduate RA in our lab, received a SURF Fellowship to work on an fNIRS study with Fei and Silvia Bunge.
Spring 2024
Xilin Choi, a cognitive science major, completed her honors thesis on changing racial stereotypes in our lab.
Kate Dellet (working with Stephanie) received an ICBS undergraduate research grant to work on her logical reasoning project this summer.
Fei received the Mary Ainsworth Award for Excellence in Developmental Science from the American Psychological Association (APA).
Anna Wenqing Cao received the Warner Brown Memorial Prize for her honors thesis on conceptual compositionality in young children.
Fall 2023
Rongzhi Liu defended her dissertation - She is now Dr. Liu! She will be a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Chicago.
Alyson Wong joined our lab as a first-year graduate student, with a NDSEG graduate fellowship.
Spring 2023
Rongzhi Liu was awarded the Elizabeth Munsterberg Koppitz Dissertation Fellowship from the American Psychological Foundation.
Fall 2022
Stephanie Alderete joined our lab as a first-year graduate student, with a Berkeley Graduate Fellowship.​